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For Better Nights, & Better Mornings.


Welcome to
Tiny Dreams Sleep Consulting

A place where your family's sleep challenges are met with understanding, compassion and effective solutions. While books, blogs and well-meaning advice from family & friends can offer some guidance, nothing compares to having a dedicated sleep consultant by your side.  At Tiny Dreams Sleep Consulting, you'll find personalized sleep plans tailored to your family's unique needs. Whether you're struggling with your baby's sleep, your toddlers sleep or your child's sleep, having a consultant helping you through these sleep challenges can make the crucial difference between continuing the cycle of sleepless nights and achieving the restorative sleep you all deserve.


Why Personalized Plans & Support Are Important. 


Navigating the complexities of your child's sleep can be challenging.  Every child is unique, with their own temperament, developmental stage, and sleep challenges.  A personalized sleep plan is crafted to address these individual differences.  Ensuring that the strategies used are the best fit for your child's specific needs. This increases the likelihood of success and minimizes stress for everyone involved.

One of the most significant benefits of a personalized sleep plan is the ongoing support.  As we implement the plan you'll have access to expert advice and troubleshooting assistance.  This allows us to adapt the plan as needed, making adjustments based on your child's progress and any new challenges that arise. This continued guidance helps maintain consistency and keeps you motivated towards your goals of achieving better sleep for your family.


Living in a sleep deprived state, doesn't win you an award in parenting. So let's get your family sleeping better so you can all live better. 


More about me. 


Hello! I'm Erin. A dedicated sleep consultant based in Hamilton, where I live with my husband and two amazing kiddos.  My journey into sleep consulting began out of sheer necessity- my kids were NOT good sleepers as babies.  I know first hand how exhausting and frustrating sleep struggles can be for parents, which is why i'm so passionate about helping other families achieve great sleep! 


I have a strong belief in creating sleep plans that respect your parenting style and your child's unique needs.  My methods are rooted in evidence-based practices and focus on gentle, supportive techniques to foster healthy sleep habits. 


I'm here to support you every step of the way on your journey to better sleep for your family. I promise, we will get the work done and have a few laughs along the way.


Let's connect and get you ALL sleeping! 


Erin Clark



It's easy to get started:

It all starts with a Discovery Call-a 15 minute conversation for us to connect and explore your situation.  During this call, we'll discuss my approaches to independent sleep and determine if they're the right fit for your and your family. 


My goal when working with clients is to create sustainable sleep solutions tailored to your family's need.  We'll address the challenges you're currently facing and provide you with the tools needed to navigate future transitions and regressions.  While the fundamentals of sleep training are similar, every family is unique and my approach reflects that individuality.  Most family's see significant results within the first few days of working together. 


I understand that you might be reading this feeling tired and unsure if this could be the solution you're looking for.  Let's talk about it.  A life of predictable naps, full nights of sleep or bedtimes without toddler battles IS possible.  

Mother Holding Baby sleeping

Hear from Happy Parents

“We thought that parents just didn’t sleep until we met Erin.  Within just a few days of our program, our one year old was transformed.  From not being able to sleep in his crib to independently sleeping through the night, we haven’t been this well rested since our pre-child days.
What really sets Erin apart from other sleep consultants is how tailored the program is to each family.  She really takes the time to get to know your child, your parenting style and your families boundaries to create a custom plan that really will work for you. 
My only regret is that we didn’t reach out sooner. Thank you Erin!!!

Carli Bur

Speak With A Sleep Consultant

15 minute discovery calls are a quick no pressure way for us to get to know each other and to discuss your sleep situation! 

Get in Touch
inviting bed with coffee cups

Let's Chat

 More questions? Ready for sleep?  Contact me below and let's talk! 

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